Thursday, September 27, 2012

Questions, due on September 28

Which topics and ideas do you think are the most important out of those we have studied?

I think that the knowledge of the purpose and uses of a cryptosystem, and the most common methods of attach, are the most important topics we have covered.

What kinds of questions do you expect to see on the exam?

I expect to see some of the basic results we have learned from number theory; definitions of certain ciphers; decrypting basic examples of ciphers; conceptual questions about various aspects of cryptography (methods of attack, etc.)

What do you need to work on understanding better before the exam?

I need to better memorize the specifics about the different ways to encrypt using a block cipher. I do not know how much of the DES/AES algorithms you want us to memorize, but if that is going to be tested extensively I would need to memorize those specifics as well.

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