Saturday, September 22, 2012

Questions, due on September 24

How long have you spent on the homework assignments? Did lecture and the reading prepare you for them?

I have spent typically 2 - 3 hours on homework assignments. The readings and lectures are very helpful in preparing for them.

What has contributed most to your learning in this class thus far?

No on element has been dominant in learning. An environment of reading, lecture, guided assignments, and self exploration have led to my learning thus far.

What do you think would help you learn more effectively or make the class better for you? (This can be feedback for me, or goals for yourself.)

I am not sure how much programming you want to be part of the class. I personally have usually built my own code to crack ciphers, rather than use the provided applets. I feel that this has been beneficial to me, and had I just used the applets I may not have understood the ciphers as well. However, this is not always feasible (ie the one time pad). And again, I am not sure how much programming you want to be required for the course.

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